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60 Second interview with Veronica McDowell

We love getting to know you, both on a professional and personal level! What makes you tick, the simple that make you smile, and all that you enjoy about your job.
Basically, we love hearing about what makes you, YOU!
Today we spent some time with Veronica McDowell, who let us in on her career journey and personal life.
1. Speciality:
Nursing Staff Management 
2. What is the favourite thing about your job?
The level of care provided. 
3. How do you prepare for a long shift?
You can't. You don't know until the next shift reports for duty.
4. What advice would you give to someone starting out in your position?
Observe before you make any changes.
5. What is your favourite thing to do whilst on a break?
Check up on emails and return any phone calls.
6. If you were to choose to start your career journey over again, what would you do?
Obtain a BSN.
7. Do you do anything to network with your peers? Any online events or similar that you would recommend?
Phone calls and building visits.
8. Any recommendations for our readers on your favourite podcast/book/album?:
Clarify what skilled nursing is.
Thank you, Veronica, for sharing your work and life with us!
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