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60 Second interview with Lowanna Jones

Our team is a friendly bunch, and we enjoy hearing from our team. We love getting to know you, both on a professional and personal level! What makes you tick, the simple things that make you smile, and all that you enjoy about your job. Basically, we love hearing about what makes you, YOU!
Today we spent some time with Lowanna Jones, who let us in on the career journey and personal life of a Medical Surgical Psychiatric Nurse.
1. Speciality:
Same-day surgery and medical-surgical psychiatric nursing.
2. How do you prepare for a long shift?
Rest the day before and try to get a good night’s sleep.
3. What advice would you give to someone starting out in your position?
When I was working at the hospital, I would tell them to buy good shoes.
4. What is your favourite thing about agency work?
Picking the days that I want to work.
5. What is your favourite thing to do whilst on a break?
If the weather is OK to go outside, I do. I sit and get some fresh air and sip on my tea. 
6. If you were to choose to start your career journey over again, what would you do?
I would work on a unit for a year (for experience), and I would try to get work with a doctor or school, so that I could take off on weekends and holidays.
7. Any recommendations for our readers on your favourite podcast/book/album?
I like to read the Bible.
Thank you, Lowanna, for sharing your work and life with us!
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